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At this year's Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry meeting in Vienna, organized by the German Chemical Society (GDCh), Tonia Kirschner from the Rauh group was honored with an award for her poster presentation.

Ms. Kirschner presented her results on novel covalent inhibitors for the KRas G13C mutant, which is relevant in cancer development and remains largely unexplored. Within their previous PhD work, structure-based drug design was used to obtain small molecule compounds that bind for the first time into the allosteric switch-II pocket of KRas G13C and react covalently with the cysteine residue.

The annual international symposium provides exchange for academia and industry on recent developments, new approaches and cutting-edge technologies in the field of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery.

Impressions from the FORTRESS meeting 2023!

Join us this spring/summer for insightful talks on many different insightful topics of Modern Drug Discovery.

To find more information have a look at the agenda below or visit our Lectures and Seminars section!

Die TU Dort­mund ist Partnerin im neuen For­schungs­netz­werk CANTAR, das vom NRW-Mi­nis­te­ri­um für Kultur und Wis­sen­schaft ab Au­gust über vier Jahre mit ins­ge­samt 19,4 Mil­lio­nen Euro ge­för­dert wird. Die Ab­kür­zung steht für „cancer targeting“.

Weitere Informationen auf der Website der TU Dortmund!

In der Förderlinie Exzellenz des Mercator Research Center Ruhr (MERCUR) wird in Zukunft das Projekt Targeting Cancer at the Interface of Genomics, Metabolism and Immune Surveillance (IGNITE) in gemeinsamer Leitung von Prof. Daniel Rauh (Fakultät CCB der TU Dortmund) und Prof. Christian Reinhardt (UK Essen) mit insgesamt rund 1.8 Millionen Euro für 3 Jahre gefördert.

Alle zusätzlichen Informationen und weiterführende Links auf der Website der CCB TU Dortmund!